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4/23/23 - (late) Birthday Spread [ PART 1 ]

Posting this a week later, not only because I haven't had time but I also wanted to get a fresh look at the cards. When I did the reading, I was in Salt Lake City, Utah, doing some pre-moving adult things, so my mind was more focused on that.

Now, though, I have the time to sit and think about the cards' message for my 34th birthday.

I used the spread from Emerald Lotus Divination because it seemed to be one of the more in-depth spreads I found. I will be doing the introspective portion differently than my usual posts - one for the top, then another for the bottom.

Something from last year I need to let go of: FIVE OF CUPS
loss, grief, depression, emotional problems, regret

Card to represent this upcoming year in my life: SIX OF CUPS
nostalgia, goodwill, community, family matters, childhood, innocence

Something new to look forward to this year: TEN OF PENTACLES
affluence, magic, community, parties, protection, stability

A new hobby/interest I should explore: TWO OF SWORDS
tuning out, inability to see truth, weighing options, blocked emotions

An important lesson I will learn this year: KING OF CUPS
emotional growth, a dependable caretaker, tolerance, therapist, diplomacy

How I can be the best version of myself: PAGE OF SWORDS
analytic approach, important news, new ways of thinking, using your mind


A lot of the messages seem to be in line with my goals and wants for the next year. I want to be able to let go, or at least accept, the darkness and pain my disorders seem to cause. I want to create an environment where I can grow as a person despite the constant symptoms that I know won't go away.

The next two cards are so positive, it makes me so happy! Giving to the community, happy memories and maybe integrating into my new community in my new location is something I am so looking forward to!

The Two of Swords as a hobby seems negative to me, so I'm not sure how to interpret this one. I understand the messages that are usually associated with card, and I can't think of a hobby that goes with it? Maybe some kind of activity that includes making choices or an activity I can immerse myself to get out of reality?

A lot about emotional growth and caretaking seems to be a lesson I need to learn this year, which is also on my list of things to do as the year moves forward. The next question goes with it, and the card reminds me it's going to be a new beginning, a new chapter.

( find part 2 here )

Positive vibes to everyone!
